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Rosa Eaton

Since graduating Eaton’s life has become more and more mundane. In  Making My Life Demonstrably Better she aims to change this by actively interrupting her daily life and seeking out strange encounters. Eaton will be advertising widely asking the public to ‘help make her life less dull’.  By leaving the question so open she hopes to get a wide range of responses and welcomes any offer however strange or pedestrian.  If you can help please email or to see how the project is progressing see the links bellow.

Residency & exhibition

From making an 8ft paper boat and attempting to sail home, to using a flashlight to send the message ‘Come Home’ out to sea Eaton’s work takes her strongest feelings and uses concise poetic actions and interventions to communicate them.  In her new Project Making My Life Demonstrably Better she seeks to make her life less dull and is asking for your help.​



Art Graduates Who Have Made Very Little Art and Are Crushed By Guilt Coffee Mornings with Rosa Eaton

Saturday 27th July, Saturday 10th, 24th August 11.30am - FREE

These 3 coffee mornings will be a chance for guilty art graduates meet, grow their confidence and their support network.  There will be art exercises, discussion, beverages, homemade baked goods and hopefully inspiration!

(Please book for all three mornings)

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