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My work has roots in psychoanalysis particularly Freudian theory, it is about the unconscious and sometimes blind folded mark making and its implications. It also speaks about visual memory through the process of layering, the constant application of paint over paint speaks of the construction of memory how some things are lost and replaced by others and in the destruction of the old there is a sense of re-birthing and creation of the new.

In a sense my paintings are becoming a mental space for my thoughts and emotions both conscious and unconscious. These two sides of my being are constantly in conflict with one another. The canvas allows for me to resolve my own mental issues and in a sense each painting is a little part of me.

My marks are heavily influenced by forms of writing such as automatic writing, calligraphy, graffiti and the archi-trace. Readings, particularly by the likes of Descatres and Derrida. My work speaks of pre-ontological and primitive ways of making mark, of the moment of spontaneity and wants to express gestural moments unhindered. I am interested by the notion of taking something not corporeal and making it physical such as dreams, thoughts, emotions and memory.  


10/11/09 3:18am

Emily Krainc

In the residency I wish to expand in making work which is unhindered. Blind fold works, restrained physically and mentally. Expand my interest in forms of writing by looking more closely at making automatic writing particularly. It will be about expanding my mind and ideas of my practice. Being in the studio space will help free me up take me out of my comfort space and make very large expressive pieces where I have no restrictions on size. I want to shake up my practice and develop my mark making and expression.

Residency & exhibition

Express Yourself! Childrens Workshop with Emily Krainc

Saturday 17th August 11.30am - FREE


Painter Emiy Krainc is here to help you Express Yourself! Exploring your thoughts and feelings on the canvas! Let it all out in this workshop, wear clothes you don't mind getting messy! Ages 8-12 (Children must be accompanied by an adult).


To book your free place click the link below:

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